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The O-Shot®

If you are struggling to enjoy your intimate life, we have an all-natural solution that may work for you. The O-Shot® uses a concentrated portion of your very own blood, called platelet-rich plasma (PRP), to improve symptoms of sexual dysfunction without drugs or surgery. Packed with growth factors and healing properties, PRP is gently injected into targeted areas to provide rejuvenating benefits with no downtime and little to no risk.

The O-Shot for female sexual wellness may help:
  • Improve urinary stress incontinence
  • Restore ability to orgasm
  • Intensify orgasm strength
  • Boost libido
  • Enhance sexual satisfaction and confidence

FAQs: The O-Shot
(PRP for Female Sexual Health)


We will first draw your blood so we can isolate the PRP in a special machine called a centrifuge. We will numb your treatment area before injecting PRP into your clitoris and anterior vaginal wall.
No. You will be fully numbed and feel comfortable throughout your treatment.
No. You should be able to resume your regular routine immediately following your PRP treatment.
In the first few days after your treatment, you may begin to notice enhanced sensation. Your improvements will continue in the weeks following your treatment.
PRP benefits can last up to a year for many patients. Every person responds differently to treatment, however.
Yes! We inject PRP into your anterior vaginal wall, which helps to strengthen your pelvic floor and improve symptoms of urinary stress incontinence.